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Advanced Organizational Development OD



The Advanced Organizational Development (OD) training program is a comprehensive initiative designed to equip participants with advanced skills and strategies for fostering organizational effectiveness and growth. Through a blend of theoretical frameworks, practical case studies, and experiential learning activities, participants deepen their understanding of organizational dynamics and change management principles.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Enhance their ability to diagnose organizational challenges and opportunities.

  • Develop strategies for implementing effective organizational change initiatives.

  • Foster leadership capabilities to drive organizational development efforts.

  • Cultivate skills in facilitating organizational learning and knowledge management.

  • Equip themselves with tools and techniques for promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Design and implement OD interventions aligned with organizational goals.

Targeted Audience:

  • Manager, change agent, or leader who understands the value of pulling people along with, but would like to gain more understanding on how to do it.

  • Human Resource Professionals specializing in organizational development.

  • Organizational Leaders seeking to drive strategic change initiatives.

  • Management Consultants involved in organizational transformation projects.

  • Change Management Practitioners aiming to enhance their skills.

  • Employees interested in advancing their knowledge of organizational development principles and practices.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Demystifying the Organisation:

  • What is OD and how does it add value?

  • Removing the mystique surrounding organizations and utilizing organizational models.

  • Thinking in layers' and taking the organization's overall perspective.

  • The OD Mindset: systemic thinking.

  • Understanding OD interventions.

Unit 2:

Seeing the System:

  • Dialogue versus diagnostic methods.

  • Patterns in issues.

  • Instruments of change.

Unit 3:

Intervening in Complexity:

  • Presence.

  • Personal strength and resourcefulness.

  • Skills in group process consulting and dialogue.

  • Dynamics of Human Systems.

Unit 4:


  • Knowledge of organizational culture and prevalent mental models.

  • Adaptive difficulties.

  • Emergent and planned change.

  • Analyzing case study examples.

Unit 5:

Organizational Design:

  • Both conventional and modern methods.

  • Relationship between organizational design and development.

  • Models for organizational design.

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