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 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Benifits 20 Oct Istanbul Turkey QR Code
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IT Management

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Benifits

REF : B1748 DATES: 20 - 24 Oct 2024 VENUE: Istanbul (Turkey) FEE : 5850 



The sudden rise in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and its subsequent decline, focused the world’s attention on cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Blockchain technology powers Bitcoin and has been hyped as the next new, transformative technology.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how blockchain works.

  • Articulate the key technical aspects, such as decentralization and consensus algorithms.

  • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of cryptocurrency as an asset and a payment mechanism.

  • Evaluate tradeoffs of blockchain as a business solution

Targeted Audience

  • There are no requirements needed to enroll beyond having a business interest in learning how blockchain and Crypto work.

Course Outline

Unit 1: 

  • Blockchain as an Asset

  • Blockchain as a Business

  •  the most important ideas and topics in blockchain and crypto

Unit 2: 

  • The transaction cost is low to nothing at all

  • Using this technology, participants can confirm transactions without a need for a central clearing authority.
  • Cryptocurrency operates through the blockchain, as it too is a decentralized, digital system

Unit 3: 

  • Speed up and reduce the cost of transactions

  • Benefits of traditional currencies by putting the power and responsibility in the currency holders' hands

  • Investing in crypto assets is risky, but can be a good investment if you do it properly and as part of a diversified portfolio.

Unit 4: 

  • It will create a trusted, unfilterable, uncensorable repository of data and information that is accessible worldwide

  • Blockchain offers a tremendous level of security

  • Blockchain and Crypto is a storage technology used for saving data on decentralized networks