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Leading High Performing Teams



This training program equips participants with the essential skills and knowledge to effectively lead high-performing teams. Participants will gain the expertise needed to inspire, motivate, and manage teams efficiently in dynamic and challenging environments.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, the participants will be able to: 

  • Understand their role as a leader.

  • Identify and leverage talent within the team.

  • Engage and motivate the team with shared vision and values.

  • Establish clear objectives and standards of performance for their team.

  • Measure and manage team performance.

  • Manage and resolve conflict and challenges effectively.

  • Optimize team flexibility and commitment.

Targeted Audience:

  • Mid to Senior-level Managers: Seeking to enhance their leadership skills to drive high performance within their teams.

  • Human Resources Professionals: Focused on cultivating effective team leadership strategies and fostering a positive work culture.

  • Project Managers: Striving to optimize team dynamics and productivity to achieve project goals efficiently.

  • Team Leaders: Aimed at refining their leadership abilities to inspire and guide their teams toward excellence.

  • Organizational Leaders: Interested in developing a cohesive and empowered team culture to achieve overarching business objectives.

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:

Teams and Their Leaders: 

  • Teams, leaders, and managers.

  • Key leadership tasks.

  • Influence, authority and power.

  • Leadership styles and style flexibility.

  • Self-awareness.

  • Emotional intelligence and rapport.

Unit 2:

Vision, Direction & Alignment:

  • Creating a shared vision.

  • Aims, objectives and goal alignment.

  • Developing meaningful objectives and indicators.

  • Divergent approaches to problem-solving.

  • Communicating a compelling vision.

  • Delivering challenging messages.

Unit 3:

Team Dynamics:

  • Team development.

  • The sociology of the team.

  • Characteristics of high-performing teams.

  • Balancing team roles.

  • Non-traditional team structures.

  • Delegation and empowerment.

Unit 4:

Developing The Team:

  • Learning and competence.

  • Building a coherent team.

  • Self-managing teams and their challenges.

  • Coaching, mentoring, and self-directed learning.

  • Feedback and appraisal.

  • Leveraging team strengths for peak performance.

Unit 5:

Performance & Conflict Management: 

  • Defining performance.

  • Approaches to measuring team and individual performance.

  • Performance through the eyes of the customer.

  • Performance management: science or art.

  • Conflict as a catalyst for team development.

  • Dealing with challenging interpersonal relations.

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