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 Mastering Stakeholder Identification and Analysis M2172 QR Code
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Mastering Stakeholder Identification and Analysis




This training program is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively identify and analyze stakeholders in various contexts. Through a blend of theoretical learning and practical exercises, attendees learn stakeholder management techniques, communication strategies, and risk mitigation tactics.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of stakeholder identification and analysis in project management.

  • Learn the process and techniques for identifying stakeholders.

  • Understand the methods for analyzing stakeholders and their impact on the project.

  • Develop strategies for managing stakeholders' expectations and engagement throughout the project lifecycle.

Targeted Audience:

  • Project managers seeking to enhance their stakeholder management skills.

  • Business analysts responsible for identifying and analyzing stakeholders in project initiatives.

  • Team leaders aiming to improve stakeholder communication and engagement.

  • Professionals involved in organizational change management or strategic planning.

  • Employees interested in mastering stakeholder identification and analysis techniques for project success.

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:

Overview of Stakeholder Identification and Analysis:

  • Overview of stakeholder identification and analysis.

  • Benefits of stakeholder management.

  • Types of stakeholders.

  • Understanding stakeholder interests and influence.

  • Mapping stakeholder relationships.

Unit  2:

Techniques for Identifying Stakeholders:

  • Techniques for identifying stakeholders.

  • Conducting stakeholder interviews.

  • Creating stakeholder profiles.

  • Developing a stakeholder register.

  • Prioritizing stakeholders.

Unit 3:

Stakeholder Analysis Frameworks:

  • Stakeholder analysis frameworks.

  • SWOT analysis.

  • PESTLE analysis.

  • Mapping stakeholders' power and interest.

  • Analyzing stakeholders' attitudes and behaviors.

Unit 4:

Stakeholder Engagement Strategies:

  • Stakeholder engagement strategies.

  • Stakeholder communication plan.

  • Managing stakeholders' expectations.

  • Mitigating stakeholder risks.

  • Creating a stakeholder engagement plan.

Unit 5: 

Monitoring and Evaluating Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Monitoring and evaluating stakeholder engagement.

  • Reviewing stakeholder engagement plan.

  • Revising stakeholder engagement plan.

  • Common stakeholder management challenges and how to overcome them.

  • Best practices in stakeholder identification and analysis.

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