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 Seminar Disaster Recovery Manager TS1979 QR Code
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Seminar: Disaster Recovery Manager



You can learn the skills you need to help a company implement, manage, and maintain a disaster recovery plan by taking a Disaster Recovery Manager training course. You will also receive a comprehensive understanding of best practices for disaster recovery during this training course.

You can take the exam and submit an application for a "Certified Disaster Recovery Manager" credential once you have mastered all the principles required for Disaster Recovery procedures. You can prove that you have the professional skills and practical knowledge necessary to implement and manage disaster recovery processes in a business by having a disaster recovery manager certificate.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the relationship between disaster recovery and other standards, governing structures, and IT domains.
  • Recognize the ideas, strategies, tactics, and procedures involved in the creation and efficient administration of a disaster recovery plan.
  • Understand how to interpret ICT Disaster Recovery plans in the unique setting of a company.
  • Acquire the knowledge necessary to assist a company in efficiently planning, implementing, managing, monitoring, and maintaining Disaster Recovery services based on best practices.

Targeted Audience

Unit1: Introduction to Disaster Recovery and initiation of a DR Plan

  • Course goals and organization
  • Continuity of Operations and Disaster Recovery
  • Making a disaster recovery plan official
  • Planning for disaster recovery
  • Risk evaluation
  • Commercial Impact Analysis
  • Strategies for defense and mitigation

Unit 2: Strategies for Risk Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning

  • Developing a risk-reduction strategy
  • Requirements for backup and recovery
  • Plan formulation for disaster recovery
  • IT recovery strategy
  • Treatment facilities

Unit3: Crisis Recovery Services that are outsourced, responses and activations, training and testing, and certification tests

  • Externalized services
  • Activation and reaction
  • Education and training
  • Testing
  • Measurement of performance
  • Constant development
  • System of certification
  • The training's conclusion

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