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 Seminar Leadership Strategic Practical Skills Planning and Crisis Management TS1643 QR Code
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Seminar: Leadership Strategic Practical Skills, Planning and Crisis Management



Recession, globalization, cheaper technology, and crises in financial markets are just a few of the causes of enormous change in the business world. A business that stands still will fail and so it becomes imperative to be able to recognize what drives change in our businesses and how to lead and manage the change which must inevitably occur.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the business drivers for change.
  • Know the best time to make changes.
  • Know how to prepare the organization for change.
  • Understand the psychology of change, what motivates people, how they will react to change, and how to manage those reactions.
  • Manage both the corporate and national cultural aspects of change.
  • Produce stakeholder value through change.
  • Apply a range of analytical tools to assist at each stage in change.
  • Know how to communicate change effectively.

Targeted Audience:

  • Professionals wanting to gain leadership capabilities
  • Professionals who need strategic thinking skills
  • Professionals wanting a refresher in leadership and strategy
  • Professionals with aspirations to become senior leaders
  • Heads of department and project leads

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Foundations of Change:

  • Welcome, Introductions, Programme Objectives, Personal Objectives, and ‘Ground Rules’.
  • “Seascapes” and “Soundscapes” – how change has been a constant in your lives.
  • Business Strategy and Change:
    • The Importance of Strategy.
    • Defining Strategy.
    • Strategic Drift.
    • STEEPLE Analysis.
  • Where is your Organisation Now?
  • Drivers of Change.
  • Business Drivers of Change.
  • McGahan’s Trajectories of Industry Change.
  • Competitive Strength and Competitive Advantage.

Unit 2: Preparing for Change:

  • Review of Day One.
  • Why Change often Fails:
    • Commonest causes of failure in change initiatives and what to do about them.
  • A causal model of Change.
  • Burke-Litwin.
  • Financial Perspective.
  • Customer Perspective.
  • Business Process Perspective.
  • Learning and Growth Perspective.
  • The Balanced Scorecard.
  • Organizational Fitness Model.
  • The Sigmoid Curve.
  • Change in Teams.
  • Force Field Analysis:
    • Helpers and Blockers for Change.
  • Porters’ 5 forces.
  • McKinsey 7s.
  • Change Readiness.
  • Organizational Fitness.
  • Timing of Change.
  • Analytical tools.

Unit 3: People and Change:

  • Review of Day Two.
  • Reactions to Change:
    • Managing Reactions to Change.
  • Personal Effects of Change.
  • The Emotional Loop.
  • Glasser’s Drivers.
  • ABCD theory.
  • Pink’s “Drive” theory: rewards and cognitive skills.
  • Herzberg – Hygiene and Motivational factors.
  • Stakeholder Mapping.
  • Stakeholder Management.
  • Stakeholder Value.
  • RACI Analysis.
  • Kano’s Customer Satisfaction Model.
  • Motivation to Change.
  • Stakeholders and Shareholders.
  • Delighting our Clients and Customers with Change.

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