Euro-training Center
 Seminar Organization and Management of Meetings TS1904 QR Code
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Seminar: Organization and Management of Meetings



In this course, participants will be sensitized to the recent trends in public relations and develop their skills to carry out contemporary roles and practice of public relations and to identify the structure of the optimal organization and responsibilities of employees of the public relations departments, planning and follow-up work in public relations departments, develop and motivate the performance of employees, planning and organizing a ceremony of reception and bidding Visitors and VIPs, develop effective communication with customers and employees, how to arrange concerts, seminars, and banquets.
This program is concerned with the development of the skills and abilities of the Public Relations Manager. Therefore, the program offers a set of training and concepts necessary to build constructive relationships inside and outside the institution based on scientific bases in building this relationship and planning it and study the extent of the institution's place in the hearts of employees on the one hand and the surrounding community. The program is concerned with providing the man of communication skills and effective communication with others as one of the elements of building relationships and what are the means to improve the internal structure of the institution and the network of formal and informal relations.
The program also provides the trainee with the skills required to make presentations and to negotiate partnerships with relevant institutions through meetings, presentations and cooperation, and partnership agreements.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Plan for public relations activities.
  • Deal with crises and disasters.
  • Simplify procedures, improve the regulatory environment, and rationalize organizational conflict.
  • Know the practices of protocol rules and protocol and etiquette.

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers and those responsible for public relations.
  • Managers and media officials.
  • Managers and protocol officers.

Course Outlines:

Unit 1:

  • Contemporary Concepts of Public Relations.
  • Prepare public relations plans and programs.
  • Administrative, behavioral, and media skills for public relations managers.

Unit 2:

  • New global transformations and their implications for public relations practices and behaviors.
  • Key aspects of the new PR.
  • PR process as an integrated system.
  • PR from planning to the calendar.

Unit 3:

  • The role of public relations officials in crisis and disaster management.
  • The role of public relations officials in rationalizing administrative decisions.
  • The role of public relations officials in simplifying procedures.
  • The role of public relations officials in achieving administrative development.
  • The role of public relations officials in the effective management of meetings, seminars, and conferences.
  • The preparation and organization of conferences and concerts, art ceremonies, and protocol.
  • Public relations officials, protocol rules, protocol, and etiquette.
  • Characteristics and characteristics of VIPs and their patterns.

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