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 Advanced Strategies in Arbitration Negotiation and Contract Preparation N2650 QR Code
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Advanced Strategies in Arbitration Negotiation and Contract Preparation



This training program is designed to cover the essential concepts and key techniques of negotiation, along with practical applications in the fields of law and business. It equips participants with the skills and tools necessary to achieve sustainable success in negotiation and dispute management.

Program Objectives:

By the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the correct path to resolving legal disputes.

  • Reduce the likelihood of disputes leading to legal proceedings.

  • Apply local and international legal requirements for dispute resolution.

  • Employ arbitration knowledge to negotiate terms.

  • Use case law to achieve the targeted outcome in their organization.

Target Audience:

  • Legal department managers in institutions, section supervisors, and all those involved in managing, executing, following up, and concluding contracts.

  • Professionals from all industries involved in contract management and dispute resolution.

  • Legal, financial, administrative, executive, and technical departments in companies, banks, and public and private institutions.

  • Contract departments in state cases, government agencies, companies, and various institutions.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Fundamentals of the Negotiation Process and Practical Applications:

  • The concept and fundamentals of the negotiation process and its various characteristics.

  • Alternative negotiation strategies.

  • Stages of effective negotiation.

  • Negotiation tactics.

  • Cross-cultural aspects in negotiations.

Unit 2:

Effective Negotiation Methodologies and Techniques:

  • LIM methodology for cautious movement and handling objections.

  • The eight-step negotiation methodology.

  • Common interests negotiation methodology.

  • Financial and technical aspects of negotiation.

  • Different human negotiation styles.

Unit 3:

Behavioral and Legal Skills in Negotiation:

  • Behavioral skills in effective negotiation (communication, persuasion, innovation).

  • Types and importance of contracts and their legal concept.

  • Legal aspects of contract conclusion.

  • Ethical considerations in negotiation.

  • Role of mediators in dispute resolution.

Unit 4:

Contract Analysis and International Arbitration:

  • Analysis of contract offers and their legal components.

  • Formal and substantive aspects of contracts and common errors.

  • Arbitration areas in international contracts.

  • The arbitrator, their conditions, obligations, and rights.

  • The applicable law in arbitration.

  • Arbitration agreement and its ethics.

Unit 5:

Practical Applications of Arbitration and Dispute Management:

  • Arbitration lawsuit procedures.

  • Methods and means of evidence in arbitration.

  • Reasons for suspension, interruption, and dismissal of disputes.

  • Dispute resolution strategies in arbitration.

  • Drafting the arbitral award and its provisions for invalidity.

  • Authority of national courts regarding the enforcement of the arbitral award.

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