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Corrosion Control in Oil and Gas



Corrosion control in oil and gas focuses on implementing techniques to prevent and mitigate the deterioration of equipment and infrastructure, ensuring safe, reliable, and efficient operations. This training program provides a comprehensive understanding of corrosion mechanisms, prevention techniques, and mitigation strategies in the oil and gas industry. Through it, participants will learn to identify corrosion risks, select suitable materials, apply protective techniques, and develop maintenance plans to ensure asset integrity and safety.

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Identify different types of corrosion in oil and gas operations.

  • Explore factors contributing to corrosion in pipelines and equipment.

  • Apply appropriate corrosion prevention and mitigation methods.

  • Implement effective inspection and monitoring strategies.

  • Develop maintenance plans to manage and reduce corrosion risks.

Target Audience:

  • Corrosion Engineers.

  • Maintenance and Reliability Professionals.

  • Inspection and Integrity Specialists.

  • Pipeline and Facility Operators.

  • HSE Officers in the oil and gas industry.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Introduction to Corrosion in Oil and Gas:

  • Fundamentals of corrosion and its impact on operations.

  • Types of corrosion (pitting, galvanic, stress corrosion cracking, etc.).

  • Common environments causing corrosion in upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors.

  • Economic and safety implications of corrosion.

  • Industry standards and regulations (API, NACE, ISO).

Unit 2:

Corrosion Prevention Methods:

  • Material selection and compatibility for oil and gas applications.

  • Protective coatings and linings for pipelines and equipment.

  • Design considerations to minimize corrosion risks.

  • Corrosion inhibitors and their applications.

Unit 3:

Cathodic Protection Techniques:

  • Principles and types of cathodic protection (galvanic and impressed current systems).

  • How to design and install cathodic protection systems.

  • Monitoring and maintaining cathodic protection systems.

  • Troubleshooting common cathodic protection issues.

  • Compliance with cathodic protection standards (NACE, API).

Unit 4:

Inspection and Monitoring of Corrosion:

  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods (ultrasonic, radiographic, magnetic particle, etc.).

  • Corrosion monitoring tools and techniques (coupons, probes, sensors).

  • Conducting pipeline and equipment inspections.

  • Analyzing inspection data to assess corrosion severity.

  • Developing inspection schedules and documentation practices.

Unit 5:

Corrosion Management and Maintenance Plans:

  • Creating a comprehensive corrosion management plan.

  • Integrating corrosion control into asset integrity programs.

  • Risk-based inspection (RBI) and maintenance strategies.

  • Continuous improvement and long-term corrosion control strategies.

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