Foundations of Public Governance
This training program introduces the fundamentals of public policy as a response to increasing and complex public problems. It covers three main aspects: public policy studies, analysis, and development process, providing participants with an understanding of why and how governments enact policies. Participants will also learn to relate the public policy process to governance and administration structures for effective integration.
Program Objectives:
At the end of this program, the participants will be able to:
Understand the basic concepts and key terms of Public Policy.
Assess the positioning of Public Policy as a social science.
Explore different Public Policy ideologies and contexts.
Recognize the primary components of the Public Policy Process.
Appreciate the inter-relation of Public Policy, Public Administration and Governance.
Outline the major challenges facing Policy Making.
Targeted Audience:
Senior Management and Middle Management.
Senior Officers.
Executive Management and Directors.
Ministerial & Ministerial Committee Levels.
Governing Body & CEO Levels.
Program Outlines:
Unit 1:
Introduction to Public Policy:
What is Public Policy?
Basic Concepts of Public Policy.
Why Governments use Public Policy?
Public Policy Theories, Ideologies and Contexts
Public Policy Positioning.
Government Public Policy in Different Substantive Fields.
Unit 2:
Public Policy Development Process:
Problem Identification and Definition.
Policy Formulation.
Information Research.
Information Analysis.
Policy Design.
Policy Recommendations.
Unit 3:
Public Policy Development Process:
Policy Planning.
Decision Making.
Policy Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Policy Maintenance / Termination.
Unit 4:
Public Governance, Public Administration:
Features of Good Public Policy.
Governance in the Public Sector.
Principles of Good Governance.
Governance Framework.
Public Management Structure and New Management.
Public Policy, Governance, and Administration Interplay.
Unit 5:
Public Policy and Politics:
Government Governance.
Do Policies Determine Politics.
Classification of Public Policy Types.
Dimensions Distinguishing Policy-Politics Relations.
Policy Institutions.