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 Mastering LED Video Wall Design B2444 QR Code
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Mastering LED Video Wall Design



This is an intensive training program focusing on the principles and techniques of creating both concave and convex LED video walls. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the design considerations, installation processes, and maintenance requirements essential for successful LED video wall projects.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, the participants will be able to:

  •  Gain a thorough understanding of the technology behind LED video walls, with a specific focus on designing for concave and convex configurations.

  •  Learn the fundamental design principles and best practices for creating visually stunning concave and convex LED video walls.

  •  Develop technical skills required for designing, configuring, and troubleshooting concave and convex LED video walls, including selecting appropriate hardware and software.

  • Explore creative applications and possibilities of concave and convex LED video walls for various industries, such as entertainment, advertising, events, and architectural installations.

  •  Acquire practical, hands-on experience through workshops and real-world design projects to reinforce theoretical concepts.

Targeted Audience:

  • Professionals in the AV industry.

  • Event planners and designers.

  • Architects and interior designers.

  • Digital signage consultants.

  • Marketing and branding specialists.

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:

Introduction to LED Video Walls:

  • Overview of LED technology.

  • Evolution of LED video walls.

  • Applications and trends in the industry.

Unit 2:

Fundamentals of Concave and Convex Designs:

  • Understanding concave and convex configurations.

  • Factors influencing design decisions.

  • Case studies of successful installations.

Unit 3:

Design Principles and Aesthetics:

  • Core design principles for visual impact.

  • Color theory and contrast considerations.

  • Designing for different viewing distances.

Unit 4:

Technical Aspects of LED Video Walls:

  • Hardware components and specifications.

  • Software considerations and content management.

  • Calibration and maintenance best practices.

Unit 5:

Hands-on Workshop and Project:

  • Practical design exercises.

  • Collaboration on a real-world design project.

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