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Mastering Maintenance Management



Practitioners consider selection and data gathering worldwide to be the most challenging aspects of working with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A way to address these challenges is to build a sound framework to measure KPIs, starting from the moment they are selected, until results are collected to be centralized in performance reports.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand KPI measurement challenges and how to address them.

  • Select KPIs for scorecards and dashboards from the organizational to the departmental and individual levels.

  • Develop a KPI implementation project plan.

  • Optimize the KPI activation and data-gathering process.

  • Differentiate between objectives, KPIs, and initiatives.

  • Understand KPI selection in different contexts.

Target Audience:

  • Professionals interested in measuring performance

  • Top/middle/lower management professionals

  • Performance measurement experts

Program Outlines:

Unit 1.

Introduction to KPIs:

  • Overview of performance measurement challenges

  • Importance of KPIs in addressing these challenges

  • Introduction to building a sound framework for KPI measurement

  • Understanding the KPI measurement process from selection to centralized reporting

Unit 2.

Understanding KPIs:

  • Explanation of KPI-related terminology

  • Decomposing SMART objectives using specific criteria

  • Overview of the KPI lifecycle

  • Discussion on the governance of KPIs at different organizational levels

Unit 3.

Types and Taxonomy of KPIs:

  • Differentiating between leading and lagging KPIs

  • Understanding qualitative vs. quantitative KPIs

  • Exploring efficiency vs. effectiveness KPIs

  • Introduction to the interdisciplinary systemic worldview in KPI taxonomy

Unit 4.

KPI Selection Process:

  • Techniques for selecting KPIs for organizational scorecards

  • Identifying sources for KPI selection

  • Approaches to aligning KPIs with organizational objectives

  • Cascading KPIs to functional areas for effective measurement

Unit 5.

Documentation and Target Setting:

  • Functions and design of KPI documentation forms

  • Process for documenting KPIs within organizations

  • Establishing targets and the target-setting process

  • Addressing challenges and negative behaviors in target-setting

Unit 6.

Data Gathering and Activation:

  • Dimensions of data quality in KPI measurement

  • Identifying data sources for KPI reporting

  • Tools and techniques for activating KPIs

  • Collaboration with data custodians and collection methods

Unit 7.

Data Visualization:

  • Guidelines for designing efficient templates for data visualization

  • Usability considerations in visual design for scorecards and dashboards

  • Importance of effective data visualization in conveying information

Unit 8.

Scorecard and Dashboard Design:

  • Further exploration of efficient template design for scorecards and dashboards

  • Best practices in designing visually appealing and user-friendly dashboards

  • Incorporating KPIs into scorecard and dashboard designs for effective performance monitoring

Unit 9.

Implementation Project Planning:

  • Developing a KPI implementation project plan

  • Strategies for optimizing the KPI activation and data-gathering process

  • Ensuring successful deployment of KPI measurement frameworks within organizations

Unit 10.

Review and Application:

  • Recap of key concepts covered throughout the course

  • Application of learned principles to real-world scenarios

  • Q&A session and discussion on practical challenges and solutions

  • Conclusion and certification for course participants

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