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Renewable Energy Systems



The Renewable Energy Systems training program educates on implementing and managing various renewable energy technologies. Participants gain practical skills for developing sustainable power systems through theoretical instruction, hands-on demonstrations, and practical exercises.

Program  Objectives:

At the end of this Program, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and roles of renewable energy in this modern age.

  • Learn how to maximize the natural resources and convert them into renewable energy.

  • Understand the components architecture between the solar and wind power generations.

  • Create awareness in understanding the types of renewable energy.

  • Appreciation of the benefits of harvesting renewable energy.

  • Understand the characteristics and operations of each type of renewable energy.

  • Explore the suitability of introducing renewable energy generation to your premises.  

Targeted Audience:

  • Electrical Engineers.

  • Maintenance Technicians.

  • Management Professionals.

  • Project Engineers.

  • Transmission Engineers.

  • Power Generation Engineers. 

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:

Renewable Energy: A Crucial Component of the Global Energy Landscape:

  • World energy scenario and place of renewable for energy generation.

  • Review of renewable energy technologies.

  • Place of PV in the context of the world and its importance.

Unit 2:

Wind Energy:

  • Classification of wind turbines.

  • Types of rotors.

  • Energy extraction from wind.

  • Wind power systems.

Unit 3:

Fundamentals of Semiconductors:

  • Semiconductors as materials for solar cells.

  • Carrier concentration and distribution.

  • Generation-recombination processes.

  • Continuity Equations.

  • PN diodes: introduction to solar cells.

Unit 4:

Design of Solar Cells:

  • Upper limits of cell parameters.

  • Losses in solar cells.

  • Design of parameters for a high-efficiency solar cell.

Unit 5:

Heterojunction, Thin Films, and Other Promising Solar Cells:

  • GaAs-based tandem cells.

  • Amorphous Si-based thin films.

  • CIGS and CdTe based cells.

  • Emerging cells.

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