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 Seminar Event Marketing TS1895 QR Code
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Seminar: Event Marketing



Event marketing is the experiential marketing of a brand, service, or product through memorable experiences or promotional events, it typically involves direct interaction with a brand's representatives. It should not be confused with event management, which is a process of organizing, promoting, and conducting events, event marketing uses emotions and is based on the fact that people remember what they are experiencing.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Applicate to any event that helps market a product/service, idea, place, or person
  • Applicate any event that communicates with a target audience
  • Applicate any event which has the potential to communicate
  • Develop an effective marketing strategic roadmap through a clear vision and statement of strategic intent
  • Applicate for a Model for the Effectiveness of Event Marketing
  • Applicate event marketing has been more widely utilized and researched

Targeted Audience:

  • Manage marketing communication and brand support activities using both offline and online media
  • Marketing environments and consumer behavior
  • Intermediate and advanced level of Event marketing managers, Team Leaders, and Supervisors within all sectors, private and public, profit and not-for-profit
  • Professionals who need to become more effective and efficient in time marketing management and planning
  • Marketing environments and consumer behavior

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: How Event Marketing works?

  • Events marketing is a standard for many brands in practice academic literature.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of communication tools using appropriate criteria such as cost and credibility
  • Co-ordinating and integrating event marketing communication activities
  • Event marketing communications are exciting, creative, demanding, rewarding, and challenging.


Unit 2: Social media and event Marketing

  • Social media is seen to be a very good tool to attract customers
  • build potential customers and reach the target customers
  • According to social media-based and Event marketing strategies are considered to be a very strong approach to building a customer community.


Unit 3: Type of Event Marketing

  • Online events. 
  • Virtual events.
  • Livestreaming events
  • Physical events.
  • Trade shows
  • Seminars
  • Conferences

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