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 Seminar Goal Setting Planning amp Decision Making TS1860 QR Code
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Seminar: Goal Setting, Planning & Decision Making



The level of competition in the current business environment requires an increasing focus on practices that assist in setting goals, managing the planning function, and making proper decisions. Businesses and indeed, all organizations, find themselves needing to find more productive methods of planning, more appropriate goals and effective means of making decisions. This means goals are established, plans developed and decisions made which change processes, procedures, methods of doing business and better meet customer and stakeholder needs. A focus on using productive practices allows for effective and efficient management of work and making changes in the organization.

The course is designed to give participants an understanding of several management methods, processes and procedures, as well as practice on several key management techniques. The principles used are easily adapted to an organization's or individual's work assignments. The course presents a methodology of common, standard management techniques using a simple theoretical foundation and enhances learning with practical activities so students can develop knowledge and skill to manage more effectively and efficiently.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Understand and develop the skills necessary to set goals and complete work on time.
  • Recognize internal and external influences on our daily planning and decision making.
  • Use basic planning process tools to plan a work strategy.
  • Set goals effectively and efficiently.
  • Learn how to establish and maintain task deadlines.
  • Consider methods of improving decision making.
  • Understand how delegation can be used in setting goals and planning.
  • Understand the characteristics of colleagues who assist in our teams.
  • Develop positive interpersonal techniques for better team relationships.
  • Develop the ability to make higher quality decisions as individuals and teams.

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team leaders
  • Human recourses department
  • Employees interested in learning important and crucial skills


Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Importance of Goal Setting and Planning Management:

  • Integrating goals, scope, work structure and management planning
  • Identifying initial resource requirements
  • Identifying risk techniques that affect work assignments, priorities, and deadlines
  • Communication that responds to who, what where, when, how, why
  • Understanding the importance of quality planning in work assignments

Unit 2: Setting Priorities and Making Decisions in the Planning Process:

  • Using planning to ensure task priorities are established
  • Planning for time management, scheduling and meeting deadlines
  • Integrating the functions into a final work plan
  • Improving communications and listening skills
  • Planning for delegation responsibility and authority
  • Techniques for making good decisions


Unit 3: Developing Personal and Team Change Action Plans

  • Innovation and improvement for personal and team change
  • Identification of change processes and human change
  • Techniques to set personal and team change goals
  • Dealing with people who do not want to change
  • Developing an action plan for personal and team change

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