Seminar: International Development
This course is designed for participants to introduce to key issues and themes in international development.
Participants will explore and engage in academic debates and discussions around a set of key factors that shape, influence, and constrain the development and prosperity of nations.
The course will explore a number of key themes in international development, including how questions of gender and generation shape the impact of poverty; how processes of globalization, migration, and violent conflict impact development; and how development and the environment are linked.
It also considers what exactly we mean by poverty, and how different ways of understanding poverty feed into different approaches to tackling it.
It will also consider development institutions: what are the key institutions in the architecture of international development? How do they differ, and what are the challenges and opportunities they present? Through this module, participants will gain a solid background in the various factors which shape current approaches to and debates on international development.
By introducing participants to a range of problems in economic development, we will look to analyze how economic theory and models can explain the lack of development in some nations. We will apply such theory to real-world economies to understand the nature of the problems they face and how effective policies can be in tackling the problems.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
- Understand the key microeconomic issues facing countries at the earliest stages of development, including poverty, malnutrition, poor access to health care and education, etc.
- Understand the key macroeconomic issues facing countries at the earliest stages of development, such as international trade, growth, and inequalities.
- Apply economic models to practical economic issues of development and explain the different obstacles that developing economies face.
- Demonstrate an awareness of selected institutional aspects of global poverty, conflict, trade, and development.
- Assess the importance of economic theories and models in helping to formulate a policy that is suitable for the specific problems a nation faces.
- Demonstrate that they have learned to search for relevant literature to approach this information critically and to address key questions on development from a microeconomic and macroeconomic perspective.
Targeted Audience:
- Managers at all levels
- Supervisors
- individuals who wish to sharpen their skills
Course Outlines:
- Economic Development, Economic Growth, and how they differ.
- Poverty traps.
- Access to health and education.
- Behavioral approaches to poverty.
- Gender and household decisions.
- Credit Markets.
- The importance of trust and reputation in trade and development.
- Corruption and Development.
- Globalization.
- The deep roots of comparative development.