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 Seminar Motivating Coaching Counselling amp Mentoring Practical Tools for Effective Leadership amp Develop Talent TS1838 QR Code
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Seminar: Motivating, Coaching, Counselling & Mentoring: Practical Tools for Effective Leadership & Develop Talent



We often hear record-breaking athletes say; I owe it to my coach; That’s because however talented they are, athletes need a coach to improve their performance and competitiveness. Likewise, Companies and Organisations need to create a culture where coaching and feedback occur as a routine part of each day. Towards this strategic end. This innovative and motivating course, explains a structured approach to coaching which is effective whether a professional is working with a recruit or seeking improvement from an experienced player. Being less of a boss and more of a coach is fundamental to modern management. Urging people to do better won’t work unless they know how to do it better. Good coaching builds trust and a collaborative climate between professionals and teams.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to: 

  • Understand that coaching and equipping, is one of the most important acts of leadership.
  • Recognize that to get things done cost-effectively they must ‘grow’ people to their full potential.
  • Offer useful coaching or suggestions on how to improve.
  • Help others grow and develop (e.g., creates and monitors development plans; identifies training and developmental).
  • Provide constructive feedback (specific, timely, accurate).
  • Demonstrate an understanding of staff’s specific strengths and development needs, helps identify developmental priorities.
  • Provide support and encouragement to others when they make mistakes or take developmental risks.
  • Influence themselves and others to create productive behaviors that lead to optimal personal impact.
  • Optimize their organization personal productivity and personal enjoyment.
  • Promote enhanced job productivity, job satisfaction and pride
  • Decide actions to apply the learning to their workplace
  • Equip others with peak performance skills and develop pro-action plans

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team leaders
  • HR staff

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Strategic Equipping For Leadership:

  • Changing Manager’s roles
  • What is real Leadership?
  • How to equip Leaders for excellence
  • The pursuit of excellence
  • Developing key management competencies to create excellence
  • 12 Ways to Develop your Staff potential and talent
  • The Manager as a Change agent
  • The need for peak performance
  • Activators, Behaviours and consequences
  • Benefits for the organization, manager and performer


Unit 2: The Coaching / Motivation Process and Skills:

  • Influencing the readiness to change
  • The importance of handling change
  • Gaining a personal commitment to change
  • Raising their effectiveness through questioning
  • Motivation as a lever
  • Setting action-orientated performance goals
  • End goals, performance goals and process goals
  • Working your goal setting strategy
  • Developing efficient Time management
  • Learn to prioritize your time
  • The importance of essential Listening skills
  • Developing the cycle for continuous improvement


Unit 3: Coaching for Decisive Action:

  • Adopting the approach, process, and skills as a way of life
  • Self-coaching to fit your aims and objectives – personal discipline
  • Improving your ability to make decisions
  • Ten steps to vital decision making
  • Choosing Pro-Active leadership
  • Understand the Circle of control
  • How to be pro-active in your relationships
  • How to apply Persistence Performance
  • Using the learned skills to apply at every level
  • Ten essential qualities of a successful Corporate Executive

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