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 Seminar Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organizations TS1839 QR Code
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Seminar: Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organizations



The ability to negotiate effectively and manage conflict is one of the most valuable skill sets we can develop within our organization. Not only does developing these skills allow us to negotiate better deals by creating and then claiming value, but it also enables us to manage teams more expertly, interact more constructively with colleagues and manage conflict effectively.

This course provides both a comprehensive strategic analysis of the negotiation process as well as the essential tools for planning and managing every negotiation. Delegates will learn to negotiate excellent outcomes both externally with suppliers, contractors, and customers but also internally within your organization between colleagues, departments, and managers.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to: 

  • Gain self-awareness of their negotiation and conflict management style
  • Understand the key analysis of the negotiation and conflict process
  • Learn how to achieve collaborative value-adding negotiation results
  • Expand their range of negotiating skills and strategies
  • Build on their existing experience and skill to become a highly effective negotiator and conflict manager
  • Improve the ability to negotiate and manage difficult situations effectively both internally within the organization and externally with third parties
  • Improve management and leadership skills through an understanding of the value of protecting key relationships whilst maximizing negotiated outcomes
  • Enhance vital leadership, management and personal skills that will impact on their performance across all aspects of their professional lives
  • Enhance the ability to negotiate outcomes that meet or exceed organizational goals.

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team leaders
  • Also, this course is suitable for all the staff among all levels

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Negotiation and Conflict Management:

  • Negotiation theory and practice – negotiation defined
  • Power and society – the rise of negotiation and conflict management
  • The sources of conflict in the organization
  • Conflict escalation and steps to prevent it
  • Conflict management strategies
  • Negotiation as a mixed-motive process

Unit 2: Practical Negotiation Strategies:

  • Strategic and tactical negotiation approaches to negotiation
  • Value claiming distributive negotiation strategies
  • BATNA, Reserve point, Target point
  • Opening offers, Anchors, Concessions
  • Value creating Integrative negotiation strategies
  • Sharing information, diagnostic questions & unbundling issues
  • Package deals, multiple offers and post-settlement settlements
  • The four possible outcomes of a negotiation


Unit 3: Mediation skills – a Powerful Negotiation Tool: 

  • Communication and questioning
  • Active listening in negotiation
  • ADR processes – putting negotiation in the context
  • Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation
  • Mediation as a facilitated negotiation
  • Techniques of the mediator - practical mediation skills to help resolve disputes
  • Working in negotiation teams
  • Mediation in practice – mediation exercise

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