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Seminar: The Oxford Leadership Seminar



This seminar is designed to provide practicing or potential leaders with the knowledge and skills required by the role. This leadership programme enables your leaders to critically explore the key idea that the most important function of a leader is to help their people move through the stages of team development.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the wide range of skills required of the leader
  • Develop further the individual's key skills
  • Build confidence and ability in leadership skills
  • Understand the impact of change on teams
  • Develop communication skills
  • Generate a strategy for improvement of these key skills in each team member through coaching and mentoring
  • Develop a culture of continuous sustainable development

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers among all managerial levels
  • Supervisors & Team leaders
  • Employees who interested to gain very useful skills and knowledge to improve their career path 

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Achieving Excellence in Leadership Issues:

  • Foundations of Self-Transformation
  • Understanding the key roles and responsibilities for the effective leader
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Identifying and developing the key skills required as a leader
  • Leadership styles and their effect on the team
  • Situational Leadership
  • Johari Window
  • Understanding the difference between leadership and management

Unit 2: Excellence in Communication:

  • SWOT Analysis
  • Understanding the principles of excellent communication
  • The Communication Channels
  • Active Listening
  • Communication Cycle & Filters
  • Identifying and Overcoming your communication problems
  • Questioning Skills
  • Coaching
  • Leadership Beliefs

Unit 3: Managing People To Achieve Results:

  • Maslow's - Hierarchy of Needs
  • Frederick Herzberg – Hygiene Factors And Motivation
  • Is Money a Motivator?
  • Managing Conflict
  • Using delegation & empowerment effectively
  • Coaching and Developing Others
  • The role of coaching & mentoring
  • How to Give Feedback

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