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Strategic Communication



This training program is designed to equip participants with the skills and strategies necessary to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts. It empowers them with the skills needed to influence, inspire, and achieve desired outcomes through strategic communication initiatives.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of strategic communication in organizational success.

  • Develop the skills needed to craft clear, compelling, and persuasive messages.

  • Identify key stakeholders and tailor messages to their needs and interests.

  • Use different communication channels effectively to reach target audiences.

  • Build strong relationships and foster collaboration through effective communication.

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers and team leaders.

  • Communication professionals.

  • Marketing and public relations professionals.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Understanding Strategic Communication:

  • Introduction to Strategic Communication.

  • Importance of strategic communication in organizational success.

  • Key principles and concepts of strategic communication.

  • Case studies and examples of effective strategic communication.

Unit 2:

Crafting Clear and Compelling Messages:

  • Understanding your audience.

  • Message development and framing.

  • Using storytelling techniques to engage and persuade.

  • Methods of Writing for different communication channels (email, presentations, reports).

Unit 3:

Tailoring Messages to Key Stakeholders:

  • Identifying key stakeholders.

  • Understanding stakeholder needs and interests.

  • Adapting messages to different audiences.

  • Building credibility and trust through effective communication.

Unit 4:

Using Communication Channels Effectively:

  • Overview of communication channels (face-to-face, email, social media).

  • Choosing the right channel for your message.

  • Best practices for communicating through different channels.

  • Strategies for effective virtual communication.

Unit 5:

Building Strong Relationships through Communication:

  • Importance of building strong relationships in the workplace.

  • Active listening and empathic communication.

  • Conflict resolution and negotiation techniques.

  • Strategies for fostering collaboration and teamwork through effective communication.

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