Supply Chain and Inventory Management
In today’s competitive environment, the best supply chain will win. The chain that offers the highest value to its customers will have a competitive advantage. This requires a broader outlook than just the borders of the company. Indeed, it requires full visibility of all the players in the supply chain.
Conference Objectives:
At the end of this conference the participants will be able to:
- Define and understand the concept of a Supply Chain
- Understand the role of inventory in the Supply Chain
- Determine the number of spare parts required
- Determine the optimal inventory solution for spare parts
- Implement creative ways of reducing working capital
Targeted Audience:
- Procurement Professionals
- Supply Chain Professionals
- Senior Buyers
- Purchasing Professionals
- Inventory Managers
- Warehouse & Stores Managers
Conference Outlines:
Unit 1: The Concept of the Supply Chain:
- Historic overview of ancient supply chains
- The concept of a Supply Chain
- The five basic processes in a Supply Chain
- Concept of the Value Chain
- Performance measures in Supply Chain Management
Unit 2: Supply Chain Planning:
- Setting up the infrastructure
- Manufacturers
- Warehouses
- Transportation
- Retailers
- Different Supply Chain scenarios
- Advance Planning and Optimisation
- Inventory decisions in Supply Chain
- Forrester effect
Unit 3: Supply Chain Simulation:
- Comprise of a Supply Chain simulation demonstrating the interaction between the different entities in the chain.
- First-hand the working (or not!) of a supply chain.
- Analysis and lessons learned
Unit 4: Inventory Decisions in Supply Chain:
- Analyzing demand patterns
- The effect of information on the Supply Chain
- Inventory decisions:
- What to stock
- Where to stock
- How many to stock
Unit 5: Linking the Supply Chain Processes:
- Procurement
- Operations
- Warehousing & Distribution
- Transportation
- Return/recycling