Electronic Human Resources
e-HR stands for Electronic Human Resource. The term e-HR refers to deal Human Resource Management transactions using the internet. E-HR aims to keep information available to employees and managers at anywhere at any time.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
Relational and Transformational
Human Resource Information Systems
E-HR management
Recruitment, Selection, Training, Performance Management, Compensation
Formulation of e-HR findings for effective implementation
Targeted Audience:
HR Personnel
Training Managers and Training Personnel
Training Budget Holders
Succession Planners and those responsible for People Development
HR Practitioners and Line-Professionals
Professionals with an interest in People Management and Development
Course Outlines:
Unit 1:
Look for internships
Get certified
Build a network
Work on your resume
Take on other roles
Volunteer your time
Unit 2:
HR Personnel
Training Managers and Training Personnel
Training Budget Holders
Succession Planners and those responsible for People Development
HR Practitioners and Line-Professionals
Unit 3:
Electronic human resources management has a significant impact on reducing administrative costs
Personnel operations, recruitment, and recruitment period increasing the interaction between the employees and HR activities
Transfer and Promotions of employees are not considered an activity of Human Resource Management.
Unit 4:
E-HRM is changing the HR managers' role to strategic business partner
It is suggested that build strong collaboration between the HR department and line managers.
The E-HR systems should change people's mindsets and implement them in a proper manner.